1986-88 | Series "Entrance – Exit"

  • Exhibition Judit Reig, Peintures1986-1989, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Orléans, 1989

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    "Entrance-Exit is almost the only phase of my work for which I carry on into the night, tending towards the saturation of material and colour, towards an architecturally stationary form. Physically, working on these huge canvases on which I want to achieve perfection through saturation, kills me, until I hear this sound telling me it is good. Sometimes, this entails months of work...The stillness comes, but turns into expectation, as when it becomes a real burden, when one would push it beyond the possible. The painting becomes dirty, heavy material, dregs, filth; I said somewhere excremental. It has become so difficult, pushed so far that suddenly, something emerges…I have to get out of this – it is a question of life and death."
    Judit Reigl, unpublished interview, 1992